Criando uma rotina matinal para ter sucesso e mais bem-estar - MobileFreeAPP

Criando uma rotina matinal para ter sucesso e mais bem-estar

Se sinta melhor no dia a dia ao seguir as nossas dicas para criar uma rotina matinal eficiente

Would you like to have a more regular and productive morning routine? Is your morning always ruined by slowness and procrastination, and you feel like you're wasting time and would like to change your habits? So, some changes are necessary to take better care of your daily life, such as practicing sleep hygiene, for example, something we will talk about later.


But, along with this, it is also important to follow some rules at the beginning of the day to be more productive. Read this article and discover how to create a successful morning routine so that you can deal with the daily demands and evolve in your personal and professional life.

Why do a morning routine?

Creating healthy habits is a challenging process that requires time, effort and dedication. It takes patience to reduce bad habits and build new, more positive behaviors.


To make the most of your day, it's important to start the morning right. This means waking up early, setting priorities and avoiding distractions.

Get moving from the start

The idea is to set some simple tasks early in the morning and complete them quickly. This way, you will get moving and be able to use the “momentum” to do more things. Start your day with something productive, and that will be the foundation for creating a habit.


Finishing tasks releases a sense of accomplishment that will give you more energy and well-being to continue doing productive things throughout the day. Additionally, eliminate behaviors from your mornings that are ruining the creation of a successful morning routine.

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The habits that destroy our morning routine

não use celular na cama para criar uma rotina matinal boa Image: Unsplash

Some habits are always linked to our lack of productivity and daily inattention. These habits can lead to a loss of energy and a cycle of disorganization.

  • Use the cellphone: Using your cell phone immediately after waking up is the fastest way to ruin your day. It's very common for us to get caught up in notifications and endless social media feeds and, as a result, waste a lot more time than we'd like.
  • Abusing the snooze function: Always waking up at the same time is extremely important for our biological clock to work correctly and for us to follow a healthy routine. Don't keep putting off your waking up time. Instead of sleeping for an extra 10 minutes, plan to go to bed earlier.
  • Carelessness with food: It's important to have a nutritious breakfast, which largely depends on your lifestyle. Regardless of your consumption choices, having good nutrition at the beginning of the day is essential for your brain to function well and to have energy in the coming hours.

Determine the amount of sleep wisely

Accumulated sleep is one of the biggest factors in reducing productivity and compromising health. To calculate the ideal amount of sleep, you need to take into account your needs, as well as the time available. A complete sleep cycle lasts an average of 90 minutes, and as the night progresses, the cycles can become a little longer.

Calculate the time it takes to fall asleep. Then calculate 90 minute cycles from that. The minimum amount of sleep a person needs to function is 4 hours and 30 minutes, and you shouldn't sleep less than that, even if you're the type of person who doesn't need a lot of sleep. The maximum recommended daily sleep is 9 hours. If you need more, it may indicate a sleep problem.

To find out more about your sleep, obtaining all kinds of information, use an application like Sleepzy. It identifies your sleep cycles during the night based on the use of the microphone. It also captures sounds that disturb you and has a smart alarm clock that will wake you up in your lightest phase of sleep.

Sleepzy is available for Android It is iOS.

rotina matinal sleepzySource: App Store

Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene is very important for sleeping well, waking up easily and maintaining a consistent routine.

  • Dim the light at dusk – Avoid using screens when lying down. If you can't stop using your cell phone, at least set it so that it's less bright.
  • Practice physical exercise regularly – If you don’t have a lot of time available, just 10 minutes of aerobic exercise can help a lot with sleep regulation and bring other health benefits.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight when you wake up – Even if it’s just opening the windows when you wake up, or making breakfast close to the light. Sunlight regulates our system and is extremely important for a morning routine.
  • Take care of excess caffeine and alcoholic beveragess – Caffeine or alcoholic beverages should not be ingested at the end of the day. Caffeine makes us too excited to fall asleep, and alcoholic drinks, despite relaxing us, make our sleep too light and not reach the deep stages.
  • Take care of your fluid intake – Control your fluid intake so that you don’t drink too much in the last hours of the day. If you drink too much, you will wake up to go to the bathroom. If you go to bed thirsty, you will wake up to drink water.

So, can you follow these tips to improve your morning routine?

A good morning routine is the starting point for a big change. Starting the day with a good mood is the key to productivity and getting the results you want.

After that, we still have the whole day ahead of us to deal with, so it's important to have energy and good health. Other habits are also essential, such as stress control. However, change little by little; start with a good structure in the morning and then the rest will be easier.

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Sophia Silva

Sophia Silva é uma redatora que escreve há mais de 5 anos a respeito de tecnologia. Atualmente, tende a focar em tecnologias de ponta e atualidades, tanto nas áreas de software quanto de hardware.

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